Various types of users

– Overview –

Related to the research topic about health, this line of research has examined the use of technology to enhance the physical and/or mental well-being of different user groups. I have conducted studies on older adults, people with anxiety or depression, individuals with addictions to drugs, technology, purchases, or gambling, people with visual impairments, and men who have sex with men. The research draws upon positive psychology and human-centered computing to understand how technologies can support users’ well-being. By focusing on the specific needs of these user groups, I aim to design and evaluate technologies that can help individuals overcome health challenges and lead healthier lives.

– Publication –

  • J28. Yuan, C. W., Tseng, Y.-C., Strong, C. (2023). Understanding and designing multi-level preventive medication support against HIV for men who have sex with men in Taiwan. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW 2023, Diversity & Inclusion Award).
  • J26. You, C.-W., Hung, M.-W., Hou, C.-T., Ho, C.-J., Yuan, C.W., Bi, N., Huang, M.-C. (2023). Trigger or treat: Using technology to facilitate the perception of cravings and corresponding cues for achieving clinical-friendly drug psychotherapy. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW 2023).
  • J25. Yang, S., Hung, M.-W., Yuan, C. W., Chiu, C.-C., Huang, M.-C., You, C.-W. (2023). Mind and body: The complex role of social resources in understanding and managing depression in older adults. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW 2023).
  • P12. Chen, P.-C., Hung, M.-W., Lu, H.-S., Yuan, C.W., Bi, N., Lee, W.-C., Huang, M.-C., You, C.-W. (2022). This App is not for me: Using mobile and wearable technologies to improve adolescents’ smartphone addiction through the sharing of personal data with parents. Proceedings of the annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2022, acceptance rate 23%).
  • J20. Wu, H.-J., Yu, Y.-F., Ku, S. W.-W., Tseng, Y.-C., Yuan, C. W., Li, C.-W., Huang, P.-H., Ko, N.-Y., Anderson, P. L., Strong, C. (2022). Usability and effectiveness of adherence monitoring of a mobile app (UPrEPU) designed to monitor and improve adherence to event-driven and daily HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among men who have sex with men in Taiwan. Digital Health.
  • J19. Hung, M.-W., Yuan, C. W., Bi, N., Chen, Y.-C., Lee, W.-C., Huang, M.-C., You, C.-W. (2022). To use or to abuse: Understanding opportunities and difficulties for assisting adolescents in reducing technology abuse through multi-channel supports. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction (CSCW 2022).
  • J17. Strong, C., Wu, H. J., Tseng, Y. C., Yuan, C. W., Yu, Y. F., Liao, J. C., … & Ko, N. Y. (2020). Mobile app (UPrEPU) to monitor adherence to pre-exposure prophylaxis in men who have sex with men: Protocol for a user-centered approach to mobile app design and development. JMIR Research Protocols, 9(12), e20360.
  • J04. Yuan, C. W.*, Hanrahan, B. V., Lee, S., Rosson, M. B., & Carroll, J. M. (2017, online first). Constructing a holistic view of shopping with people with visual impairment: A participatory design approach. Universal Access in the Information Society. (SCI, SSCI indexed)
  • J01. Yuan, C. W.*, Hanrahan, B. V., Lee, S., & Carroll, J. M. (2015). Designing equal participation in informal learning for people with visual impairment. Interaction Design & Architecture(s), 27, 93-106. (Scopus indexed)